Design of a financing process for local public authorities

Landscape Haïti








Expertise France

Unite Caribbean in consortium with ESA Consultance has the mission to formulate precise, operational and consensual recommendations for the reform of the financing of the territorial public service to the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Collectivities (MICT) of Haiti in a perspective of integration in the “Finance Decree 2021-2022”. Unite Caribbean has specific skills and assets to bring its expertise in the realization of this expertise mission thanks to

– A strong knowledge and specific skills in local governance, decentralisation and structuring of models and tools for local authorities in Haiti and in the Caribbean;

– Contracts implemented in Haiti in the framework of support to local governance with the MICT, the FENAMH and the Communes;

– The availability of a network of contacts with Haitian relevant institutions in the field of support to local authorities, in particular with the MEF, the DGI, the MICT, the OMRH, the FENAMH and the elected officials and public agents within the communes.

The Unite Caribbean team will be mobilised to carry out interviews with key actors in Haitian institutions in the field of state reform, and to lead working sessions with a technical group formed to reflect on the reform, analyse the issues and prepare a text of a reform proposal.

This expertise mission will end with the provision of the text of the draft reform for the financing of the Territorial Civil Service accompanied by a progress report including recommendations for the adoption of the reforms.


For more information, contact Damien Bauchau.

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