FORPRO aims to improve professional integration and increase exchanges between French and Saint Lucian vocational and higher education institutions.
Many leaders in the Caribbean region have highlighted the need for better cooperation in vocational training. Technical studies have become major tools for increasing the skills of the workforce, allowing a decrease in the high unemployment rate, particularly among young people, and promoting interregional mobility.
The ambitious and innovative objective of FORPRO is to make vocational training a tool for regional integration and professional insertion.
Unite Caribbean brings to FORPRO its expertise in the management and implementation of regional cooperation projects. The teams in Saint Lucia and Guadeloupe are responsible for the following activities :
– Mapping of higher vocational education institutions in the Eastern Caribbean region, including the French departments.
– Identification of priority technical fields in need of support in Saint Lucia and the offers available in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana.
– Definition and development of a training programme in French for Specific Purposes (FOS) for teachers in the priority sectors.
– Identification of the needs of teachers in the priority sectors in terms of strengthening digital tools in vocational training.
– Implementation of training sessions on digital teaching methods for teachers in priority sectors in partnership with the CANOPE network.
– Facilitating the creation of educational mini-companies for students in priority sectors, in particular in conjunction with the World Network of Training Companies.
The project aims to achieve these 3 objectives:
1. Support to technical and linguistic development.
2. Making digital a key tool in vocational training.
3. Putting entrepreneurship and innovation at the centre of vocational training.
For more information, contact Fabrice Terrier.