Market Study for Green H2 in Saint Lucia – Project Interreg “MAGHIC”

Market Study for Green H2 in Saint Lucia  - Project Interreg MAGHIC


January 2023


Saint Lucia


Economic and Social


Interreg Caribbean - Farwind Energy

Unite Caribbean Ltd. is engaged as a partner in the Interreg Caraïbes project “MAGHIC” to conduct a hydrogen market study in Saint Lucia.

This project, led by the company Farwind Energy, aims to study the implementation of a new green hydrogen energy chain associated with a port infrastructure for unloading, storage and distribution in the Eastern Caribbean.

This green hydrogen would be produced locally from offshore wind energy by energy ships called “Farwinders” and transported by sea to land-based facilities. The challenge is therefore to estimate the feasibility potential of this project in Saint Lucia by evaluating the state of the different components necessary for the development of a new hydrogen energy chain.

Signature of the partnership agreement


For more information, please contact Yorick Mamès.

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