In partnership with the Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT), Unite Caribbean led a mission to assist “la Collectivité de Saint Martin for the elaboration of a strategic document to prepare for the 2021-2027 ERDF-INTERREG programming. This support mission was articulated in 3 phases:
– – an operational diagnosis of the 2014-2020 cross-border programming, coupled with a territorial diagnosis of Saint Martin and its integration into its geographical environment (Leeward Islands),
– – formulating operational recommendations in thematic form in order to optimize the potential for cross-border and regional cooperation, in particular within the framework of European funding,
– and development of a strategic document presenting the intervention priorities of Saint Martin in the 2021-2027 ERDF-INTERREG programming in the form of action sheets and sectoral sheets.
This analytical work on cross-border and regional cooperation was implemented by the Unite Caribbean team based in Saint-Martin, which carried out a series of interviews with key players in Saint-Martin, Sint Maarten and the Leeward Islands, supported remotely by the MOT team in Paris who provided technical expertise on cross-border dynamics.
For more information, contact Yorick Mames.