This project is being carried out under a consortium agreement with Agriconsulting Europe SA (AESA) . Unite Caribbean’s responsibility is to provide overall technical assistance for the implementation of the project. Project activities must contribute to the achievement of 5 results, broken down as follows:
Result 1: Strengthened climate governance
- Development of the NCCP implementation strategy
- Drafting a bill on climate change
- Drawing up a technical and institutional capacity-building plan
- Development of specialized university courses on climate change management in Haiti
Result 2: Integration of CC in planning and budgeting
- Diagnosis and roadmap for integrating CC into national budget planning
- Support for the integration of CC into sectoral public policy plans and budgets
Result 3: Improved ecosystem resilience
- Innovative practices for adapting to climate change
- Study on capitalizing on experience of innovative actions and extension work
Result 4: Reduced climate risks in coastal areas
- Development of the integrated coastal zone management plan
- Study on disaster reduction and resilience
- Study on awareness and research for mangrove restoration
Result 5: Energy security for rural households
- Studies on energy conversion to renewable energies
- Recommendations to encourage the production and marketing of clean-technology renewable fuels
- Technical assistance for eco-friendly charcoal certification activities
For further information, please contact Odré Valbrun.