Raising climate change awareness is an important issue in the Caribbean. Given the urgency to act, it is essential to capitalise and share the materials and lessons learned from Karayib Klima, to develop tools to enable CSOs to communicate effectively on climate change, and particularly on adaptation and resilience in the Caribbean, to their target audiences (children or adults) and thus influence the scope and effectiveness of responses to the phenomenon.
For civil society organisations with limited resources, it is important to have accessible and easily usable resources on climate change.
To complement existing resources, Unite Caribbean is developing a functional, region-specific advocacy guide that CSOs can use in a number of ways:
– Questions and answers on climate change
– Conducting workshops and animations on climate change
– Carrying out awareness raising campaigns on climate change
CSOs will be able to appropriate these tools, adapt them for their own use and thus increase the general level of knowledge on climate change and resilience in the region.
In concrete terms, Unite Caribbean is organising a capitalisation workshop with the targeted CSOs that have worked on awareness/education issues within the framework of Karayib Klima in order to get their feedback on the activities carried out (strengths/weaknesses), to discuss the needs encountered in the implementation of their activities, to share the Karayib Klima deliverables and to assess the complementary needs and to determine the optimal format for designing the guide.
Unite Caribbean will then proceed with the production of the guide itself which will include a theoretical component with essential information on climate change, a practical component with suggested activities, and a communication and advocacy component to give CSOs the tools to implement effective actions.
Finally, once completed, the guide will be disseminated to the participating organisations and to a wider audience via the digital networks of the participating organisations.
For more information, please contact Maryline Mangenot.