CarNet’Adapt: a Caribbean network for climate change adaptation

Woman carrying a fruit basket against a rainforest background - CarNet Adapt Caribbean Network for Climate Change Adaptation


February 2023


Guadeloupe, Sainte Lucia, Martinique, Dominica


Environment and Climate Change


Fonds Interreg Caraïbe, ADEME, Sinergîle

Unite Caribbean is partnering with ADEME Guadeloupe and Sinergîle to implement the first phase of CarNet Adapt, a Caribbean climate change adaptation network. Supported by Interreg Caraïbe, it will focus on 4 key territories: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia and Dominica, as well as 2 key themes: agriculture and food..

A Caribbean network on agriculture and food

The three European institutional partners are joined by two non-European partners, CARDI (Caribbean Institute for Research and Development in Agriculture, affiliated to CARICOM) and IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, a specialised agency of the Organisation of American States).

The objective of the project is to create a network for the pooling of actions and reflections on the theme of adaptation to climate change for all actors in the sector, from production to consumption. This Caribbean network also aims to allow the sharing of good practices and exchanges between the different countries and territories.

The role of Unite Caribbea, as an institutional partner of the project, will be more particularly to:

  • * Identify and map the key actors of the different sectors in the 4 countries and territories of the project;
  • * Develop climate profiles and vulnerability profiles;
  • * Consult with the different actors to define the implementation modalities and the governance of the network.

A whole series of activities are also planned between now and the end of 2023, including study visits and training seminars.

second phase is planned from 2024 onwards, with the aim of extending CarNet’Adapt to the Caribbean region as a whole and opening up to other themes such as spatial planning and sustainable tourism.


For more information, please contact Maryline Mangenot.

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